2012年2月13日 星期一


Geographically located in the state of Pahang, Malaysia(03 31N Longitude 101 55 E)ranging from 1500 to 4500 feet above sea level.The climate here serves in between 23° and 30°Celsius during the day and below 22°Celsius in the evenings. A simple Malay kampong or village with a population of approximately 1000 people. Janda Baik is set amidst a small valley bounded by thick rainforest laced together with picturesque streams and cool rushing brooks of waterfallswith. The place is a popular holiday and recreational destination for city folks, not to mentioned foreign visitors especially global backpackers.

古老的传说  Legend

据当地的老人说,Janda Baik (意:好的寡妇)  名字的由来是以前这里是彭亨州及雪兰莪州必经之路。当时两州交战,受伤的彭亨州战士及士兵们都在此地休息,并获得一位心地善良的寡妇(相传是一位公主)协助及疗伤,也因此获得此名。
“Janda Baik” means “the good widow” in Malay. As the story is told by local folks, in the old days a path that connects Selangor and Pahang beats its way through the village. It was said that a mercenary, who was returning after fighting in a civil war in Selangor stopped at the village for a rest and to nurse some wounds he had sustained in battle. Upon seeing this ragtag team in the vicinity, a kindly widow immediately offered help and tended to the mercenary’s wounds. The man was thankful and deeply cherished the kindness. As a mark of respect for this kind widow, the leader of the warrior pack would always advise his men to call on the woman whenever they were in the vicinity.

如何前往  How to go there

古法田园距离吉隆坡市区45公里及离鹅麦收费站(Gombak toll) 37公里。经加力大道 (Karak Highway) 抵达云顶芭山脉 (Genting Sempah) 交通圈,前往珍德拜(Janda Baik)方向。15分钟后拐入马路右边设有红色的拱门 ,直走到(Janda Baik )警察局前方再转左,就会看见一条不起眼的羊肠小路位于杂货店左边,驱车前进。最后,来到一三岔路口转左到尽头即可。
Newera Organic Farm is conveniently located just 45 km from downtown Kuala Lumpur and 37 km from the Gombak Toll Gate. The Middle Ring Road II which links to the Karak Highway provides easy access from anywhere in the Klang Valley.

营业时间  Operating hours

Our farm open daily from 9am to 6pm

